Sunday, June 24, 2012

Keep calm and carry on

This past week has been pretty crazy!  First weeks of school often are.  But this one seemed even crazier than usual.  Between balancing new classes, homework/projects, looking for a job, doing some wedding and marriage planning/prep stuff, and a couple other things, my plate has been full to brimming over this week.

Earlier this week, I honestly was feeling quite overwhelmed.  But then, I realized something.  I was working so hard, I was forgetting to take breaks.  When I finally calmed down and started taking breaks (like reading a fun, new book and making a delicious ice cream treat), everything was just so much better!  My load hadn't changed, but my attitude definitely had.  I finally remembered this catchphrase that I had seen everywhere in Britain:

Besides figuring out how to be calmer this week, a couple of other, really awesome things happened.

Family time!

Sunday, Joel and I got to spend time with his Uncle Chris, Aunt Char, and their four kids.  They are so nice! It was just so much fun!  We just played a bunch of board games, talked a lot, and other such good stuff.  It was fantastic.

Tuesday, I got to babysit my niece and nephew.  I always love spending time with them!  It was quite a bit of an adventure this time, between Miles still figuring out the whole potty training thing and Molly crying once for 40 minutes straight.  But, I had such a great time with them!  I can't even explain the joy I feel when I hold my little sleeping Molly as I attempt to guess what Miles is acting out with his blankie.  It's one of those things you can't explain until you've experienced it.

Reunion time!

Thursday, Kensey and Brittany came and visited!!!!  I miss these girls so much!  It was so good to see them again.  It's crazy to think how long it'll be before we're all together again.  You see, Brittany is just about to leave for 18 months to go on a mission.  I'm so proud of her!  The Spanish speaking people of Arcadia, California are a lucky bunch!

So, this week took a bit of getting used to, but it ended up being a great one!


  1. That is exactly where my roommate Ana went on her mission, Spanish-speaking and all. Sorry again for all the craziness!

    1. That's so cool! I had no idea that's where Ana served her mission!

      As for the craziness, it's all good. It just added some spice to the week. I was so glad I got to babysit for Miles and Molly.
