Thursday, June 7, 2012

Diamonds are a Queen's Best Friend

This past weekend was the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, celebrating Elizabeth II's 60th year on the throne.  This is only the 2nd time in history this has ever happened and I was lucky enough to be in London for it.  It was like the 4th of July on steroids!  Since the British don't have a holiday to celebrate their nation very often, the entire country was going crazy over it.  I even got to join in on some of the fun.

On Sunday, after church, I went to the river parade with tons of boats on it, including one with the royal family on it.  It was super crazy and crowded, I wasn't really able to see the boats very well, but it was really cool to be there in that environment and participating in the jubilee.

Some people in my group, really got into it!

Actually the whole country was really into it!

A display in a random cupcake store window.

One of the streets by Piccadilly Circus

To add to the official Jubilee events, our program also had a Jubilee event of it's own.  We had a "tea" party!  It was super fun.  We enjoyed cream teas (which actually isn't tea, but is a scone with strawberry jam and clotted cream) and some delicious juice (mine was Pineapple Coconut) as we watched the parade on the tv.

It was so cool to be here during the Diamond Jubilee and see the love that the British have for their monarch and how the royal family really becomes a rallying point for the country, which is something I had never fully understood before.  Long live the queen!

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