Friday, June 15, 2012

All's Well that Ends Well

Well, I have finished my whirlwind 7 week adventure in Europe.  In some ways it feels like I just left, and in others, it feels like it's been an eternity.  Funny how time does that.

My last couple of days in London were full of studying!  I had some pretty intense finals and a paper to worry about.  So, a lot of nights looked something like this:

But, my finals ended up going really well and I was quite happy with them.

After our last final on Tuesday (and finishing packing), Jessica, Katie, and I celebrated being done with our finals and our last day in London by going out for Sticky Toffee Pudding.  It was super delicious and we made quick work of it (like, we finished it in probably a minute or so).

The delicious sticky toffee pudding

As you can tell, it was quite delicious

After that, we went and did a final walk around Hyde Park.  We lived really close to this park and between walking and running around it throughout these 7 weeks, I've really grown to love it.  It was nice to have a last walk around.

Then, that night our group went to a performance of Henry V in the Globe Theater.  It was a spectacular ending to a wonderful trip!  I got to have the experience of being a groundling (yay for standing for 3 hours!).  Since I was right next to the steps leading up to the stage, the actors passed right by me.  It was a really cool experience to be that close to the stage.  The acting was also wonderful (especially the guy who played Henry).  It was a perfect closing scene for the trip.

On Wednesday, it was a lot of traveling (about 16 hours or so), but I finally made it home, back to Utah.  I've missed Joel and my family so much.  I have loved getting to see them and be with them again since I've been back in the states.

I loved being in London and the wonderful experiences I had there, and I'm now so excited to be here back in the United States.  Truly "All's well that ends well"

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