Monday, June 11, 2012

Home away from Home

Now that I'm quickly approaching the end of my stay here in London, I thought I'd give you guys a tour of where I've been living for the last 6-7 weeks.  The London Centre!  We live about a block away from Hyde Park in a beautiful part of West London.

Here it is from the outside!  You can't really tell, but it's about 5 stories with a basement.

 The library where I've done quite a bit of studying, blogging, etc.

The living room where we meet before dinner

The formal dining room where part of the group eats and we take our tests.

The servery where we eat and watch movies.

The classroom.  We have firesides, class, watch movies, and play lots of music in this room.

The 66 stairs I go up to get to my room

My room!  Well, part of it.  You can't tell from this picture, but my room actually has 12 girls that sleep in it and there's a room of closets that divide the room in half.

There's the grand tour!  It's been a pretty great place to live, although I am looking forward to having some privacy and not climbing 66 stairs to get to my room when I come back to the states.

1 comment:

  1. I love the London Centre! I was on the top floor, so I know what you mean about the stairs!
