Sunday, June 17, 2012

At yeast it worked! (adventures in bread making)

Joel had really wanted to make bread for quite a while now and so, yesterday, we had adventures in bread making.  It was so much fun!  Here's photographic evidence of the adventure:

The yeast was blooming like flowers! (or flour? sorry, couldn't resist the culinary pun)

Breaking up the butter

Pouring in the yeast

Mixing the flour in

Joel maybe had a bit too much fun punching the bread down : D

It was looking pretty good before it went into the oven, so we were hopeful.

Then it turned out beautifully.

As you can tell, we were pretty excited!

The delicious product!

Between the actual baking part and playing frisbee, foosball, and talking when the dough was rising, it was a fantastic-and delicious- adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I love homemade bread. Its so much fun to make and it isn't really that hard.
