Monday, September 12, 2011

Round and around we go (and an engagement)!

One of the highlights of last week just keeps circling around and around in my mind-- the ferris wheel in Brigham Square!  (sorry for the bad pun, I couldn't resist)  The ferris wheel was part of Involvapalooza (Club Fair).  It was totally unexpected and a lot of fun.  Luckily, I got out of my class at 6 instead of 8, so Meagan and I got to ride the ferris wheel without almost no line.

I also got to go to an amazing exhibit at the library.  Did you know it's the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible?  So, in celebration the HBLL had an exhibit of many different editions of it.  It was amazing to be in the same room with Bibles from the 1200s (The Vulgate, pre-KJV Bible)- present day.

Also, we had a huge bit of exciting news in my apartment......... Margaret's engaged!  Congrats to her and Joseph!  We're all super excited for both of them.

And yes, that does mean I've had a roommate who's gotten engaged every year so far.  Who knows, maybe I'm a good luck charm for my roommates?

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