Sunday, September 11, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

So, last weekend was Labor Day!  It was really nice to have a 3 day weekend and be able to have lots of time to get my homework done and get to do fun stuff.

On Friday, after working a long time on homework, I had a fun night!  I had a great roommate reunion with my roommates from last year.  It was great seeing these girls again!  It was probably our last time together as single ladies before Camilla gets married in a few weeks.

Here's Camilla's beautiful wedding invite:

After I got home from that, I had a wonderful girls night with some of my current roommates.  After a failed attempt to go to a BYU attempt, we got delicious ice cream and then came back and watched a click flick and had a sleepover in the living room.  It was so much fun!

The Meagan hairstyle

The Kenzie

The Emily

Then, on Saturday, I finished more homework and then I got to spend time with my family.  My sister picked up me and John and we went up to Logan for my cousin Cory's wedding.  I'm so excited for him and Liz!  Also, we went to Logan to see my brother James' grave.  Elisabeth and I hadn't been up there since the headstone was there and John had never been up to James' grave.  It was a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be.  A flood of emotions and memories came over me, some I thought I had forgotten about.  But, I'm glad that I'll get to see James again and that it's not goodbye forever-just for the moment.

Sunday was a wonderful day and church was great!  I also met an old roommate of my brother-in-law who's in my ward.  It was pretty cool, albeit slightly random, connection.

On Monday, I went to Kensey's house.  I love her family so much!  They are just so sweet.  We had a blast being with them.  I learned a little bit about professional tennis (which is really funny if you've ever had the misfortune of playing with me).  One of my favorite parts was accompanying Kensey on her cello as we played for her grandma.  

We also went on a hike with her dad-which was so much fun!  I think he took my jokes about if I got out of breath, I was going blame it on the altitude, a little too seriously.  He seemed genuinely surprised when I was fine during the entire hike.  It was really funny and sweet.

The view from the top

Then, we got to finish off the beautifully long weekend with a fun FHE activity.  We played Ultimate Frisbee and then rolled down a HUGE hill.  I'm pretty terrible at Ultimate, but it was still lots of fun!

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