Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's a small, small world!

So, today, as I was walking out my Human Development class with my friend Bri, we ran into my friend Daniel from my home stake (who I haven't seen in forever!).  The three of us were walking towards Bri's class when we heard a random guy ask another guy, "Hey did you serve your mission in Paraguay?"  All 3 of us stopped in our tracks and also participated in this conversation.  It turns out all 5 of us had lots of random connections to each other.  Bri knew the guy who asked the original question.  The guy who asked the question did indeed serve in Paraguay at the same time as the other guy.  Both of these guys knew my brother John who also served in Paraguay at the same time.  They also kne a guy from Daniel's home ward who was also serving in Paraguay.  Daniel's dad also served a mission in Paraguay.

Who would've thought that the world could be so small?  It's amazing to me in a school of 30,000 students that almost everyday I find random connections to others here at BYU.  Forget 6 degrees of separation - here it's 3 degrees of separation max.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard that if you are a member of the church it's more like 3 degrees of separation. You found that out. It's a really small world when you are LDS!
