Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy Birthday James!

Today is James' 25th birthday.  I miss him so much and I can't believe he passed away almost 2 years ago now.  Since our birthdays are just a week apart, I especially miss being excited for our birthdays together.  But, more than anything else, today is a great day to remember just how much I love my brother.  So, here's a couple of my favorite pictures of my brother and a little memory attached to them:

1) Half-dome.  James and I loved echoing about half-dome.  I would tease him and call it "three-quarters dome" or "five-eighths dome".  He would then teasingly correct me.  He was so excited when he finally got to see it in person!

 2) Mapman! James loved maps so much!  He memorized maps and could tell you how to get anywhere in California or Utah and highways for the rest of the country.  You never got lost with James around.

3) National Parks lover.  Along with loving maps, he loved looking at nature.  He wasn't a hiker or a camper or much of an outdoors person, but he loved seeing natural beauty.  So, the national parks were great because he could see the natural beauty without having to hike or camp.  He especially loved seeing the continental divide!

4) Marching band buddy.  Of the 10 years that Elisabeth, John, and I were in marching band,  I think James only missed 1 competition because he had just had surgery.  James loved supporting us and I loved having him there with me.  It was the best to know I'd always have a huge hug waiting for me when I was done performing.

5) Uncle James. James loved being an uncle and would always find a reason to hold or play with Miles.  He especially loved playing peek-a-boo.

6) Disney adventurer. One of James' favorite vacation places was Disneyland.  This is my absolute favorite picture of the two of us.  It was a trip to Disneyland my senior year in high school and since it was just me, James, and our parents, he went on more rides than usual so I didn't have to go on rides by myself.  We had a blast!

7) Going to the temple James often went up to the temple with our youth group.  It was always so amazing to be serving with my brother and feel his sweet spirit there.

8) Pro bowler.  Okay, well, he wasn't quite pro, but he was quite good.  Always using the good old granny style and somehow still beating me, he had a blast bowling!  It was one of his favorite activities!

9) Family time James more than anything else loved spending time with his family.  Board games, movies, mini golf, bowling, you name it!  James loved doing it if it was with his family.

 10) Birthday buddy.  As I mentioned earlier, my birthday is just one week after James', so we're birthday buddies.  Every year, James would ask me if I was excited to turn, let's say, 16.  I would say, "Of course!  Are you excited to turn 21?"  He would always answer, "YEAH".  It was always so much fun to have a birthday buddy.

So, today is definitely a day to remember my amazing brother even more.  I love him so much and can't wait to see him again.  Happy Birthday James!

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