Sunday, August 5, 2012

Family time

I feel like I haven't written a blog in forever!  In the period of my negligence, so much has been happening and a lot of it has been focused on family.  Honestly, this entire Summer Term has felt much more family-cenetered than ever before.  It's great!  In order to make sure this blog post isn't 50 miles long, I unfortunately won't be able to go into details about all of the fantastic family events that have been going on, but I hope to give a brief glimpse of all of it.

In the car with the best niece and nephew ever!

Babysitting Miles and Molly:
The one time that Molly stopped crying (otherwise, she was crying the whole time)

But, Miles and I were having lots of fun!

The Olympic Opening Party
It was all masterminded by this beautiful woman and best sister in the world: Elisabeth

Miles thought it was hilarious to put Teddy on my head

Joel was able to make Molly smile all the time!

Gerrit really enjoyed the food (it was absolutely delicious!)

John was quite proud of his lemon curd

A Bridal Shower
Elisabeth is simply amazing and threw me a really fun bridal shower.  Thanks Lis!

Meeting Joel's family
On Friday, I got to meet Joel's mom and one of his younger brothers, Peter.  They're so nice!

Playing ninja at a family reunion

Chris and his boys

Joel's older brother Jameson and his lovely wife Kristen

Char and Chris

.....and of course, Olive! (Jameson and Kristen's dog)

 And of course, time with my fiance
We've been having so much fun watching the Olympics, spending time with other family, and watching outdoor movies.  We get married in 11 days!  I can't wait!

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