Sunday, May 6, 2012

I didn't know my hands could turn that color.....

Friday was mostly a studying and homework day for me.  I got a lot done which was great.  As part of my homework, I went on a walk through the City.  Me and my friends stopped briefly into a church and there was a free organ concert that we were able to catch the last piece of.  It was beautiful!  All I could do was think of my dad and how much he would have loved it and appreciated it even more than I could.

Along with organ concert, I went with some friends to grab some dessert after a long day of studying.  We all got tarts-I got a chocolate one.  It was delicious!  It was like eating straight ganache in a pie crust. Delicious!

Saturday, our group went to Brighton and Canterbury.  First in Brighton, we stopped at the Royal Pavilion.  It was done in a chinoiserie style and very ostentatious.  I was not a huge fan of it.  After that, we were dropped off at the coast in Brighton.  There was a fun pier there.  I loved walking up and down in.  It reminded me a lot of Santa Cruz!  Unfortunately, it was freezing!  Apparently, it was colder that day than it had been on Christmas day.  Yeah, my hands turned a funny purplish-blue color.  Luckily, they went back to normal and I'm all good.  The other plus side was the Cadbury Creme Egg Milkshake I had. It was fantastic!

The crazy building

The pier

The delicious milkshake!

Later that day, we made our way to Canterbury.  It was such a charming town.  We spent most of our time in the Cathedral, which was absolutely gorgeous!  It was a beautiful building with some really cool history to it.  Everyone there was friendly and it was great to look around.  We also had the opportunity to stay for Evensong.  Evensong is a service in the Anglican church that is mostly sung by the men's/boy's choir.  They sing psalms and have readings from the Bible.  The music was heavenly. It was a really cool experience and it was great getting to understand the Anglican faith a little bit better.
The cathedral

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