Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We are family

Since I grew up in California, I didn't see my family much when I was younger.  In fact, the closest member of my family lives about 12-13 hours away, two states over from my home.  So, whenever I get to see my family, it's pretty exciting.  

This past month, we actually had two members of my family come and visit us!  My cousin Ben came out for a little less then a week.  A day after he left, my Grandma Stuart came and visited for about 2 weeks. Between these two visits, we had some pretty awesome adventures: going to the Tech Museum, broom ball, boogie boarding, roller coasters, yummy ice cream, a ward luau, sleeping on a deflating purple marshmallow, and lots of talking.  Here's some pictures of my favorite moments from their visits:

My cousin Ben, on our way to the Tech Museum

 On the Roller Coaster Simulator at the Tech

At the Tech

On the way to the beach

The boardwalk!

To the luau!

At the ward luau

There were hula dancers!

John and Ben

Yes, I learned my crazy faces from my Grandma

I love her so much!

We took Grandma to Sweet Retreat

Grandma's cupcake

This bakery is delicious!

It was a crazy month, but I'm glad that they were able to come and visit! 


  1. I LOVE that face that Grandma is giving Dad. I just love it. I also love Grandma's devotion to sweets. It is pretty awesome. I figure if you are 85, you might as well eat what you like.

  2. LOL! I can't begin to tell you how many times I saw grandma give your dad that face. I remember it well. Of course she never gave me that face. Ever!
