Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Very Special Pillowcase

Many years ago, in a galaxy far, far away (also known as San Jose, California) my sister Elisabeth made me a pillowcase.  I was in 3rd or 4th grade and I loved it to pieces!  Unfortunately that love ended up with a pillowcase starting to go to pieces about 8-10 years later.

As I said, loved to pieces.

But, I still loved this pillowcase so much that I didn't want to throw it away.  So, I came up with an idea. Why not piece together a patchwork pillowcase with the usable parts of this fabric?  With the help of my mom, that's exactly what I did.  

Here's the final product:

I decided to embroider this cute song onto my pillowcase.  Extra points if you know what this song is from.

Front side.

Back of the pillowcase.

After some frustration, improvisation, patience, love, and lots of other stuff, I ended up falling in love with the final product.  Thank you Elisabeth for the love and the first pillowcase and thank you Mom for helping make my new pillowcase!


  1. What a great idea! Do the other pieces of fabric have any special meaning as well? The quote is from The Music Man, one of my favorites.

  2. Aw, Emmy, I'm glad to see that the pillow has been well-loved. It makes me feel well-loved, too. :)

  3. Aunt Paula, extra bonus points! Also, some of the other fabrics do have special meaning as well. Two were from pajamas I had when I was a little girl, one was part of a costume, one was part of a blanket I made for my nephew, and one was part of a dress I had when I little. The others are more random.

    Lis, it's because you are well-loved! <3
