Saturday, August 6, 2011

I've Started a Blog! (and why making lemonade.......)

My sister inspired me to finally start a blog.  I love reading her blog so much that I decided to start one myself.  You're probably thinking cool, good luck with that, now why did you call it "Making Lemonade"?   Are you obsessed with the drink? (No, though it is good)  Are you obsessed with the Disney Channel movie Lemonade Mouth?  (No, although it was good for a Disney Channel movie, but that's not saying much)  Okay, so why did you choose your title?  (If you didn't think that and have that pretend conversation with me, that's okay, just pretend you did) I decided to call it "Making Lemonade" after the famous proverb, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."  I figure, life isn't perfect and has lots of "lemons", or stuff we don't want to happen will happen.  That's why it's important to make lemonade.  It doesn't make you forget that bad stuff happens, but it puts things into perspective and gives you a sweet treat in the process.  That's what I hope to do in my own life.  Recognize the bad and find the best in it.  Or in other words, make lemonade.


  1. So, I read your first sentence, and I was confused. I said to myself, "Self, when did you tell Emily to start a blog?" And then I kept reading...I'm excited to read your blog!
