Sunday, August 14, 2011

Remembering and Celebrating James

Today would have been my brother James' 24th birthday.  For those of you who don't know, my brother passed away last September due to complications from liver disease.  I miss him more than I can possibly describe and I'm thinking about him more than usual today.  It would be impossible to share all of my favorite memories, lessons I learned from being his sister, and the inspiration he is for me daily.  Instead, I thought I would share some of my favorite pictures of James and his testimony that he gave as he was released from his service in as a service missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

This was on our family trip to the church history sites in Missouri and Nauvoo.  It's potentially my favorite vacation we've ever taken and it was one James loved!

This was taken before the New Year's Eve dance when I was 14.  My sister had helped me get ready and then we had lots of fun taking pictures with the family until I left for the dance.

This was before John's graduation from Leigh.  James was always a super supportive brother!

This was taken in front of one of James' favorite locations to learn about: 1/2 dome!  (or as he liked to call it 3/4 dome)

James really didn't want to get glasses, but once he got them, he looked quite dapper!

James always knew how to make me laugh!  This was Thanksgiving 2008.

This was the last time that all of us siblings were together.  This was Thanksgiving about 2 1/2 years ago.  Elisabeth and Gerrit were visiting and it was so much fun.  Also, James is showing one of his favorite faces for pictures: a silly one.

This was during winter break of John's freshman year at BYU.

James was Mr. MapMan and could tell you how to get just about anywhere.  He also loved memorizing people's addresses, zipcodes, counties, county seats, and anything else to do with maps.  I also liked to call him my JPS. 

This was right before John went on his mission and at James' commencement from his Post Senior Program.

As I said, he always knew how to make me laugh!

He definitely had a way with people.

With his personal aid, Judy.  Judy was an amazing aid and James loved her so much!

With the choral director.  James loved to sing and Sue really helped him in so many ways.

Another location James always dreamed of going.  He was so excited that he finally got to see it.

In Yellowstone in summer 2009.

Halloween 2009.  James always made the gentlest looking Jack o'lanterns.  

Fall 2009.  James was Leigh High School Marching Band's biggest fan.  All of his 3 siblings were in it and he only missed 1 or 2 competitions all 10 years.  He only missed those ones because he had just had surgery and couldn't really move without pain.  It was great knowing that he was always there for me, no matter how the show went that night.

James loved being an Uncle!   He always wanted to hold Miles.

In Disneyland, February 2010.  He was always willing to take a picture with me!  (which is saying a lot if you know how often I take pictures)

Also at Disneyland.  James loved Mom so much!

This is James being a pirate.

James at one of his favorite places.  One of the sweetest memories I have with James, is going up on youth trips to the temple to do baptisms and James helping with them.  James took his responsibilities as a Priesthood holder very seriously and it is one of my fondest memories with him.

James would often just sit and smile about something.

At my high school graduation.  I always called him either "Bud" or "Buddy" and he'd call me "Em".

James was, surprisingly, an amazing bowler.  Granny-style bowling never worked so well for anyone else.

At James' 23rd birthday.

This was at the end of his post-senior program.  He sang "Go the Distance" and I accompanied him on the piano.

James also had one of the sweetest testimonies I know.  Here's the testimony he bore at the end of his service mission:

I’m Elder Stuart and I live in the Cambrian Park Ward and I have served as a referral clerk for almost 3 1/2 years. I have enjoyed calling the missionaries and helping you with your referrals. I have enjoyed talking to you and asking you where you are from. I have also enjoyed working with lots of mission couples in the office. They were very friendly. I was excited when President Jackson came and he has always been very friendly and talked to me. I really enjoyed it when my school teacher came to visit and see what work I did. My dad and I talked to her about the church.

I would like to bear my testimony that I know that God lives and Jesus is our Savior and that he loves us. I was sad when the boys my age that I went to seminary with went on missions because I knew that I wasn’t able to serve a full time mission. Yet the Lord loves me and with the help of my dad, my bishop, my stake president and President McConkie, I have been able to do this mission. I know that the church is true and President Monson is a prophet of God. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Even though I miss my brother, I know that I will see him again.  I'm so glad that Jesus Christ performed the Atonement so that we can repent of our sins, overcome spiritual and physical death, and that we can be with our families forever.  I can't wait to see you again Buddy!

1 comment:

  1. You always make me cry when you talk about James. I know how much you love him and miss him.
