Monday, March 26, 2012

One Hungry Oscar's Baby Weekend!

Or in other words, a weekend with lots of fun stuff going on that happened to include the midnight premiere of Hunger Games, Oscar's night (a ward activity), and a baby shower!  Hence, a hungry Oscar's baby weekend!

On Thursday night, Kensey, Brittany, John, Joel, and I all went to see the midnight premiere of the Hunger Games.  It was my first midnight premiere ever and it was a lot of fun.  Probably not going to do it again (I was super tired the next day), but I still had a great time.  We got there about an 1.5 early and had a lot of fun waiting between playing crazy word games and ninja until the movie started.  Unfortunately some of our neighbors were comments during the movie itself, but overall it was a really good experience, besides being really tired the next day.

I really enjoyed the movie itself.  I was impressed by how similar to the book it was and I also thought they chose really good actors.  However, word of caution, please do not bring children to this movie.  It is PG-13 for a reason.  If you're thinking about seeing it and have any questions, just let me know!

Our Midnight premiere group

On Friday night, we had our ward Oscar's night!  Each family home evening group got together and created a movie to premiere that night.  Since it was a premiere, we all dressed up then watched the awesome videos.  Here's my group's movie.  We had a lot of fun making it and the audience seemed to really enjoy it.  This movie, however, brought down the house!  It was by far crowd favorite and it was so funny.  After we watched the movies, there was a dance which was also so much fun!  It was a great night!

Before the activity

Our fantastic paparazzi

Joel and me waiting for the premiere to start

The bishop and his wife hamming it up

On Saturday, my sister picked me up straight after work and we made our way up to Brigham City for my cousin-in-law's baby shower.  I loved getting to talk to my sister for the 4 hour car trip (there and back) and seeing other family at the shower itself.

Seeing my favorite nephew!

My cousins Paula and Maria and my Aunt Sharon

Overall, it sure was one hungry Oscar's baby weekend!

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