Monday, January 23, 2012

Once there was a snowman.........

I made my first snowman ever last year and I was super excited to make another this year.  Then, it didn't snow. And it didn't snow.  And it didn't snow.  Well, not enough to make a snowman that is.  So, I was super excited when it finally snowed enough to play with it!

Saturday night, Kensey, Ashley, Joel and I had so much fun playing with the snow.  We made a snowman, threw snowballs, made an army of mini snowmen, wrote in the snow, made snow angels, played monkey in the middle,  and even decorated Kensey's car.  It was fantastic!  It was probably the most fun I've ever had in the snow.  Then, we enjoyed hot chocolate afterwards.  All in all, it was a fantastic night!

Gearing up for the warmth

Sasha the Snowwoman!

Our snowman army

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