Sunday, December 4, 2011

Flute Recital

For my Music minor, I have to take flute lessons.  This was my last semester of them and I just had my recital yesterday.  For this recital, I played the most difficult piece I've ever played on flute, "Cantabile et Presto" by Georges Enesco.  I was super nervous about the recital all week--I even had people come and listen to me on Thursday so I could get used to being nervous while playing in front of people.  In the end, it ended up going really well!!!

My amazing accompanist, Bri!

All of the soloists with our flute teacher

With Katie, my amazing flute teacher

Meagan came to watch it too!

Overall, I'm so overjoyed that it went well!  I could not have done it without my amazing teacher Katie, amazing accompanist Bri, or my roommates who patiently listened to me practicing the same thing over and over all semester (and still being supportive!).  Thank you all so much!

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