Thursday, November 1, 2012

So much to do, so little time to blog

Oh man, life sure has been a whirlwind recently!  With everything else going on, I haven't found much opportunity to blog about it.  So, here's some snippets of fun stuff that's been going on during October.

The Homecoming Parade.

I've gone every year that I've been at BYU and it was especially fun this year going with Joel, my brother, and my sister's family.  With blue chocolate chip pancakes, a wonderful husband, candy to almost rival Halloween, a very cute 3 year old who was so excited for the parade, dancers, a tortilla-throwing brother-in-law, cool floats, a smiley niece, awesome siblings, and warm weather--how could it not be awesome?
The delicious pancakes

A very excited Miles

Joel's first homecoming parade

My awesome family

Gerrit's mad tortilla throwing skills

Une soirée française.

One Friday night, for our weekly date, we had a really fun "soirée français" or French night!  We had French curry chicken, made Nutella crêpes (with strawberries and bananas of course), and watched Tintin!  It was super fun (not to mention delicious) celebrating the culture and language I've spent so many years studying.

A Roommate Reunion.

We even got a chance to eat dinner and catch up with my roommates from my freshman year.  It was great seeing everyone again!  It's amazing how much has happened since freshman year!

And more......!

October was a busy month, but lots of fun.  Hopefully, November will be too! (and hopefully, I'll actually blog about it during the month instead of just afterwards)

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